Friday, January 22, 2010

Well..very reluctantly it is time to come home. We have a camp full of Anes and Ortho people here to help. There are 4-500 people here. We have a great outpouring of care. All given by individuals and private corporations-not by any government. These poor people ae scared to death from their experience. They all left one of the hospital wards tonight because of an aftershock. They were all sitting on the hill. It's just amazing how much we got done but there is so much left to do for years to come to get shelter. 95--100% of the people we have no place to go. They are trying to set up refugee camps so they can be housed and feed. Many will need to come back for more care but may never be found. The devastation and impact on these lives is beyond belief. We still here cries of pain throught out the day. But the appreciation these people have for our help is beyond measure. God is in this, at times it is hard to find him. But the sunrise and sunsets give me hope and comfort. Yes I have had many glimpses of God at work through all the selfless people around me. It is going to take some time for me to come to terms with a lot o have experieced I'm just glad I was blessed and have the opportunity to serve in this way


  1. Bill, please know that you and Mike and the rest of the team are in our thoughts and prayers as you prepare to come home. thanks for being the hands and feet of Christ...Dave and Sara

  2. Thank you for being there, giving your time, your talent, your skill, and your heart. I know you and the entire team were a blessing to all. Safe travels home!
